The paintings of Lekleti depict a fantastic world with traces of the ordinary. In the familiar sense of visions that seek a suitable, almost reasonable resolution.
Alfred Kubin, painter-draughtsman and novelist, speaks of the primitive sentiment, the self-abandonment to sleep and dreams that fuels all creation:
“We should resist the organisation of these isolated apparitions into a moral or psychological system with the intention of casting light upon the mystery of the dreams’ meaning, even if these systems might be of interest. We prefer to leave the symbolic force of dreams intact. I find that the raw creative vision is by far more powerful and important than its verbose analysis.”1 This is the impact of Lekleti’s works, with or without titles, as they let go the associations of significant acts and objects.
Benoît Decron, curator and heritage director, Rodez museums
1Alfred Kubin, “Mon expérience du rêve”, first published 1922, Le travail du dessinateur, Paris, éditions Allia, 2007, p. 16.