The Nappy series! by Joana Choumali has started in 2011.
A set of portraits, pleading for a claimed and assumed black identity.
This series takes its name from the "nappy" movement, which is the French name of the natural hair movement born in the United States in the 2000s. Initiated by women called nappy girls or nappies, these women abandoned straightening in favor of natural hair. Free or carefully styled, the movement claims the African identity assumed and extends the Black is Beautiful movement born in the 1960s.
Nappy, which means frizzy, has been diverted in contraction from Natural and Happy. This series by artist Joana Choumali is an invitation to an inner journey, a tribute to black beauty.
Joana Choumali, Untitled, Nappy series, 2011
Joana Choumali, Untitled, Nappy series, 2011
Joana Choumali, Untitled, Nappy series, 2011
Joana Choumali, Untitled, Nappy series, 2011
Joana Choumali, Untitled, Nappy series, 2011
Joana Choumali, Untitled, Nappy series, 2011
Joana Choumali, Untitled, Nappy series, 2011
Joana Choumali, Untitled, Nappy series, 2011